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All material on this page are copyrighted either by the authors or by the journal publishers.


A Water Budget Analysis for Predicting Return Flow on the Bear River in Wyoming and Utah. Master’s Thesis. Department of Civil and Engineering University of Wyoming, pp. 73, 2005.


Ecohydrology of the Upper Ewaso River Basin, Kenya. Master’s Thesis. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Princeton University, pp. 143, 2007.


Characterizing Dryland Surface Hydrological Dynamics Using Ecohydrological Modeling and Geophysical Observations. Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Princeton University, pp. 237, 2011.



Journal Articles



Franz, T.E., Caylor, K.K., Nordbotten, J.M., Rodriguez-Iturbe, I., Celia, M.A. (2010) “An Ecohydrological Approach to Predicting Regional Woody Species Distribution Patterns in Dryland Ecosystems," Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 33, pp. 215-230.



Franz, T. E., King, E. G., Caylor, K. K., and Robinson, D. A. (2011) “Coupling Vegetation Patterns to Soil Resource Heterogeneity in a Central Kenyan Dryland Using Geophysical Imagery,” Water Resources Research, Vol. 47, Published 31 July 2011.


King, E. G., Franz, T. E., and Caylor, K. K. (2011) “Ecohydrological Interactions in a Degraded Two-phase Mosaic Dryland:  Implications for Regime Shifts, Resilience, and Restoration,” Ecohydrology, Published online. DOI: 10.1002/eco.260.


Franz, T.E., Nolan, J., Nordbotten, J.M., Caylor, K.K., Slater, L.D. (2011) “Quantifying Lateral Subsurface Transient Soil Moisture Dynamics Using Multi-Point Direct-Current Resistivity in Homogeneous Sand," Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 10, pp. 286-298.



Zreda, M., W. J. Shuttleworth, X. Xeng, C. Zweck, D. Desilets, T. E. Franz, R. Rosolem, and P. A. Ferre. (2012) “COSMOS: The COsmic-ray Soil Moisture Observing System”. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16: 4079-4099.


Franz T.E., Zreda M., Rosolem R., Ferre T.P.A (2012) “Field validation of cosmic-ray soil moisture probe using a distributed sensor network” Vadose Zone Journal, 11:4.


Franz T.E., Zreda M., Ferre T.P.A., Rosolem R., Zweck C., Stillman S., Zeng X., Shuttleworth W.J. (2012) “Measurement depth of the cosmic-ray soil moisture probe affected by hydrogen from various sources” Water Resources Research, 48. Cover Article.


Miller, G. R., Cable J.M., McDonald A.K., Bond B., Franz T.E., Wang L.X., Gou S., Tyler A.P., Zou C.B., and Scott R.L. (2012) “Understanding ecohydrological connectivity in savannas: a system dynamics modelling approach” Ecohydrology 5:2: 200-220.


Wang, L. X., Zou C., O'Donnell F., Good S., Franz T.E., Miller G.R., Caylor K.K., Cable J.M., and Bond B. (2012) “Characterizing ecohydrological and biogeochemical connectivity across multiple scales: a new conceptual framework” Ecohydrology 5:2: 221-233.


Franz, T. E., Caylor, K. K., King E. G., Nordbotten, J. M., Rodriguez-Iturbe, R. I., and Celia, M. A. (2012) “An Ecohydrological Approach to Predicting Hillslope Scale Vegetation Patterns in Dryland Ecosystems,” Water Resources Research, Vol. 48, Published 18 January 2012.



Franz, T. E., M. Zreda, P. A. Ferre, and R. Rosolem (2013) “An assessment of the effect of horizontal soil moisture heterogeneity on the area-average measurement of cosmic-ray neutrons”, Water Resources Research, 49(10).


Rosolem, R., W. J. Shuttleworth, M. Zreda, T. E. Franz, X. Zeng, and S. A. Kurc (2013) “The Effect of Atmospheric Water Vapor on the Cosmic-ray Soil Moisture Signal”, Journal of  Hydrometeorology.


Franz, T. E., M. Zreda, R. Rosolem, B. Hornbuckle, S. Irvin, H. Adams, T. Kolb, C. Zweck, and W. J. Shuttleworth (2013) “Ecosystem scale measurements of biomass water using cosmic-ray neutrons”, Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 3929-3933.


Shuttleworth, W. J., R. Rosolem, M. Zreda, and T. E. Franz (2013) “The COsmic-ray Soil Moisture Interaction Code (COSMIC) for use in data assimilation”, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17, 3205-3217.


Franz, T. E., Zreda M., King, E.G. (2013) “Application of Cosmic-ray Neutron Probes to Long-term Monitoring of Soil Moisture in African Drylands”. Joint IAEA and FAO Programme Conference Proceedings, Vienna, Austria, IAEA-CN-191. 23-27 July, 2012.


Franz, T. E., M. Zreda, R. Rosolem, and T.P.A. Ferre (2013) “A universal calibration function for determination of soil moisture with cosmic-ray neutrons”. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17: 453-460. 




Stillman, S., J. Ninneman, X. B. Zeng, T. E. Franz, R. L. Scott, W. J. Shuttleworth, and K. Cummins (2014), Summer Soil Moisture Spatiotemporal Variability in Southeastern Arizona, J. Hydrometeorol., 15(4), 1473-1485.


Almeida, A. C., R. Dutta, T. E. Franz, A. Terhorst, P. J. Smethurst, C. Baillie, and D. Worledge (2014), Combining Cosmic-Ray Neutron and Capacitance Sensors and Fuzzy Inference to Spatially Quantify Soil Moisture Distribution, Ieee Sensors Journal, 14(10), 3465-3472.


 McJannet, D., T. E. Franz, A. Hawdon, D. Boadle, B. Baker, A. Almeida, R. Silberstein, T. Lambert, and D. Desilets (2014), Field testing of the universal calibration function for determination of soil moisture with cosmic-ray neutrons, Water Resources Research, 50(6), 5235-5248.


Ling, L., T. E. Franz, D. A. Robinson, and S. B. Jones (2014), Measured and Modeled Soil Moisture Compared with Cosmic-Ray Neutron Probe Estimates in a Mixed Forest, Vadose Zone Journal, 13(12).


Rosolem, R., T. Hoar, A. Arellano, J. L. Anderson, W. J. Shuttleworth, X. Zeng, and T. E. Franz (2014), Translating aboveground cosmic-ray neutron intensity to high-frequency soil moisture profiles at sub-kilometer scale, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18(11), 4363-4379.




Wang, T., D. A. Wedin, T. E. Franz, and J. Hiller (2015), Effect of vegetation on the temporal stability of soil moisture in grass-stabilized semi-arid sand dunes, Journal of Hydrology, 521.


Wang, T., T. E. Franz, and V. A. Zlotnik (2015), Controls of soil hydraulic characteristics on modeling groundwater recharge under different climatic conditions, Journal of Hydrology, 521.


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